Optimizing Process and Traffic Flows
Our team developed a detailed simulation model of the lithium manufacturing process, including site traffic. These models validated surge volumes, identified bottlenecks, and optimized logistics flow.
Our client needed support in validating equipment configuration and verifying design capacity.
Our team’s simulation modelling expertise pinpointed key bottlenecks and guided greater understanding of the value of tank capacities throughout the process.
Our Approach
Comprehensive Simulation Models
Our simulation models covered the entire Lithium Hydroxide manufacturing process and analyzed truck traffic flow to optimize operations.
Hydromet and Pyromet RAM Model
Validating Process Efficiency
The Hydromet and Pyromet RAM model ensured operational efficiency, detecting flaws, and optimizing process modes for Lithium Hydroxide production.
Plant Traffic Model
Optimizing Logistics Flow
The Plant Traffic model analyzed truck movement, assessing congestion points, and optimizing loading and unloading areas for improved efficiency.
Benefits and Outcomes
Enhancing Manufacturing Performance
Our simulation models enhanced operational efficiency, identified flaws, and optimized logistics, resulting in improved plant performance.
Data-Driven Decision Support
Our client gained valuable decision-making support, ensuring efficient Lithium Hydroxide production, enhanced logistics, and a streamlined plant.
Improved Plant Efficiency
Following are the outcomes achieved through our simulation modelling analysis.
- Enhanced Process Validation
- Effective Traffic Optimization
- Mitigation Strategies
key results
Optimizing Lithium Hydroxide Plant Performance
Through collaboration and application of simulation modelling, the plant’s design and operations were optimized.
Our client gained valuable decision-making support, ensuring efficient Lithium Hydroxide production, enhanced logistics, and a streamlined plant.